> Repertoire

This page displays all the works from all categories for which Marie-Josée Chartier and/or Chartier Danse have been involved in terms of creation, direction, performance and production.


Order by: date, title, random



petites danses 



seated woman / femme assise 






Vol plané à bout portant... or is it a nightmare? 















How to Wrestle an Angel 



Telum Amoris 



étude pour deux mammifères / mammalian study 



Pleu(Rire): The World of Aperghis  



Vue sur l'infini 



Le jardin féérique 






studies for the human body / études pour le corps humain 



A Short Voyage 



Musique ! on tourne… 



study for a crouching figure / étude pour silhouette accroupie 



variations on figures 



figures in stillness and in motion / silhouettes immobiles et en mouvement 



Mata Hari Terbenam 



Sous nos yeux 



Contes pour enfants pas sages 



Exiles: A Book of Questions 



Woman in a Yellow Dress 



five seated figures / cinq silhouettes assises 



A simple statement for this Mosaic 






fifty-one pieces of silver 



Trousseau-True Nature 



Love Songs 






Le cigare et la tordue 



Dimanche soir à Marie-Clarac 






She promised she'd bake a pie 



I had an urge to write you 



Screaming Popes 



Les marquises 






R.E.D. The Men Club 



And By The Way Miss ... 



La lourdeur des cendres 



Les Aventures de Madame Merveille 



Red Brick 




Chartier Danse would like to thank the following councils

for their support through project and production grants.