> Repertoire

This page displays all the works from all categories for which Marie-Josée Chartier and/or Chartier Danse have been involved in terms of creation, direction, performance and production.


Order by: date, title, random



Exiles: A Book of Questions 



Trousseau-True Nature 



Les Aventures de Madame Merveille 



How to Wrestle an Angel 



She promised she'd bake a pie 



Telum Amoris 



seated woman / femme assise 



A simple statement for this Mosaic 






Pleu(Rire): The World of Aperghis  



figures in stillness and in motion / silhouettes immobiles et en mouvement 






And By The Way Miss ... 



variations on figures 



study for a crouching figure / étude pour silhouette accroupie 



étude pour deux mammifères / mammalian study 



I had an urge to write you 



Dimanche soir à Marie-Clarac 



La lourdeur des cendres 



Musique ! on tourne… 



Vol plané à bout portant... or is it a nightmare? 



Les marquises 



fifty-one pieces of silver 












Woman in a Yellow Dress 



Le cigare et la tordue 



Love Songs 






Vue sur l'infini 



R.E.D. The Men Club 






Le jardin féérique 



studies for the human body / études pour le corps humain 






Contes pour enfants pas sages 



A Short Voyage 



petites danses 



Sous nos yeux 






Mata Hari Terbenam 






five seated figures / cinq silhouettes assises 



Screaming Popes 



Red Brick 




Chartier Danse would like to thank the following councils

for their support through project and production grants.